Equipment: iPhone 6s for filming - this helps me to conform to the indie convention of using the camera hand held therefore it gives of a budget/not caring vibe Drone for filming establishing shots Costumes: Lead singer - the lead singers outfit is the most important outfit as it allows the audience to create an identity. So the lead singer will be wearing conventional indie clothes such as skinny jeans, t-shirt, and other clothes of scruffy nature, maybe even a worn bracelet, but most importantly a denim jacket as I feel this is very iconic of the indie genre As for the rest of the band and actors it does not really matter too much what they are wearing as long as it remains the same through out the music video and is indie of course, they will be able to understand what indie clothing looks like by studying my mood board. As long as it looks scruffy and gives of a not caring vibe then it should be fine. Its important for me to follow the chose the right costumes for th...